Warning: Two Types of Cancers are on the Rise in 20-Somethings

According to the New York Times, cancers of the colon and rectum are on the rise in adults in their 20s and 30s. These types have cancers have actually been declining in older adults over the past few decades, as well as historically being considered rare diseases in younger people. Scientists are considering this sharp turn a very ominous trend.

A new study conducted by the American Cancer Society reportedly analyzed "cancer incidence by birth year" and found that "that colorectal cancer rates, which had dropped steadily for people born between 1890 and 1950, have been increasing for every generation born since 1950." The experts aren't sure yet why these cancers are declining in older generations and rising in the younger ones. 

The good news is that colorectal cancer rates have reportedly declined over all in recent years. This is due to more people getting regular screenings and colonoscopies. These types of screenings were generally considered not as important for people in their 20s and 30s, but this news might inspire the millennial generation to keep up with their doctors appointments. Another reason cancer rates have been lowering is due to a shift in lifestyle. Following a healthy diet really does help prevent serious illness, according to the research done by the American Cancer Society.

This news is definitely really scary, but now that we're aware of these statistics we can be more vigilant about making smarter, healthier lifestyle decisions! 

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