What is Facial Cupping? Kim Kardashian Uses it to Look Young

Kim Kardashian loves experimenting with new techniques to keep her skin looking fresh and young. She also loves to keep her fans in the loop via her many social media channels. On Tuesday night, she took to Snapchat to tell the world that she was getting a "face cupping facial." The picture showed a bunch of interesting looking tools and serums, so we knew we had to check this one out. It turns out facial cupping is an extension of cupping, the ancient healing practice in which heated or suction-pumped domes are used to stimulate body tissue. The practice gained headlines during the Rio Olympic Summer Games when Michael Phelps was seen sporting some pretty serious bruises from the practice. 

Kim first revealed she was a fan of the ancient practice back in August. She turned to cupping when she was experiencing severe neck pain and documented the whole experience on Snapchat. Duh. It seems Kim loved the practice so much that she decided to give facial cupping a try. 

The biggest difference between cupping and facial cupping is that those signature bruises Michael Phelps was sporting on his back won't appear on your face. Many experts in the healthy and beauty field recommend facial cupping as an anti-aging practice. Vogue spoke to acupuncturist Shellie Goldstein about facial cupping and she said it “improves skin circulation, encourages lymph drainage, tones tissue that is flaccid, and relaxes tightness,” Goldstein explained to the magazine. “It increases the diffusion and receptivity of skin cell nutrients, stimulates collagen and elastin, and restores new skin tissue.”

No wonder Kim Kardashian loves it so much! Would you try this ancient practice to stay young? It reportedly costs about $130 per session, and Shelli Goldstein recommends a series of six to 12 weekly sessions for results to really stick. Maybe Kim K will spot you for this one! 

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