This Viral Photo Is Making People Reevaluate Their Insecurities

Michelle Elman is using her Instagram account to spread a positive message about body image. The 23-year-old Londoner posts photos of herself alongside inspiring messages about learning to love yourself. One of her pictures went viral recently, detailing her own journey to personal self acceptance. Though she boasts wonderful confidence today, it wasn't always so easy. She's underwent 15 surgeries in her lifetime to treat a brain tumor, punctured intestine, obstructed bowl, brain cyst, and hydrocephalus. Her scars used to bother and embarrass her,but now she knows they show the strength of her body . 

"Every human has scars, whether there are emotional and physical - they are part of our story and we should be proud of them. About a month ago, I finally faced up to wearing a bikini and although, I love my body thoroughly and have for many years - this was one of the most difficult things I have ever done, yet once it was on, it was one of the most liberating feelings to know that I wasn’t letting two pieces of material stop me from being comfortable in my own body," Michelle wrote on her viral post. "My belief is that no one should have to feel ashamed of their body, whether you have stretch marks or a C-section scar so... THIS summer, let’s stand up and be proud of our scars and what they represent - a story! Tag a friend below and lets make this the summer of scars!"

Michelle's Instagram account is an amazing space for people who are also struggling with body image issues. She's frequently posting photos of her beautiful, strong body to help others reach the same level of acceptance and positivity that she has. 

We absolutely love Michelle's positive message. You go, girl! 

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